The Portrait of a Graduate (POG) articulates the characteristics of students who graduate from San Gabriel Academy.

  • What is POG?

    San Gabriel Academy’s Portrait of a Graduate curriculum is designed to enable students to reach and exceed the academic standards within each course. The POG strives to develop 21st century skills in students, equipping them to be better learners, leaders, creators, decision-makers, and Christians.

  • Why are we doing POG?

    While academic knowledge is important, skills such as perseverance, collaboration, and servant leadership are just as important in preparing our students for their futures. At SGA we want to provide a curriculum that helps to develop every aspect of the student’s character as well as their academic knowledge.

  • How will POG be a part of our curriculum at SGA?

    Each course at SGA has a set of standards that align to the Portrait of a Graduate. Students will learn about these skills and behaviors through classroom instruction and assessment. Additionally, the extracurricular activities offered at SGA provide opportunities for students to receive feedback, guidance and practice on the behaviors that help students achieve those reflected in our Portrait of a Graduate.

  • What will students do?

    Students will spend time developing and receiving feedback on their ability to demonstrate the standards in the portrait of a graduate through various classroom and extracurricular opportunities. At points throughout the year, students will be assessed on their demonstration of those practiced behaviors and how they reflect the portrait of a graduate.

    For example, while doing hands-on learning in a science lab students can also practice collaboration and being a reliable team member.

    Students will demonstrate their development of their own personal journey towards Portrait of a Graduate through a culminating portfolio. Potential high school graduates will present their completed portfolios as part of a graduation requirement.

Learn about each characteristic.

  • Takes initiative to develop a personal relationship with God.

    Engages in activities to understand God and His plans through prayer, Bible study, and active service.

    Demonstrates the fruits of a relationship with God.

    Understands the value of participating in worship with other believers.

    Actively shares the love of God with others while encouraging and supporting the individuals commitment to God.

    Intelligently articulates Biblical beliefs to people of diverse backgrounds with kindness and compassion.

  • Builds relationships with others through trust and compassion.

    Collaborates with others to pursue Biblical principles, takes a stand and encourages positive action.

    Acts honestly, courageously and ethically for the interests of the larger community and greater good.

    Communicates skillfully to inform, influence, motivate, and inspire others.

    Demonstrates an understanding in the relationship between God and society.

    Looks to the example of Jesus as the model servant leader.

  • Recognizes that reality can only be truly understood through a relationship with the Creator.

    Possesses the disposition, strategies and desire to learn, unlearn, and relearn continuously.

    Takes an active role in setting learning goals, uses strategies to achieve them and reflects on the outcomes.

    Shows strong understanding and belief of self to engage in reflection for individual improvement and advocacy.

    Improves thinking by continuously analyzing, and reflecting on one’s own thinking.

    Understands how to utilize resources.

    Demonstrates an understanding of brain science and its connection to learning.

  • Demonstrates agility in thoughts and actions.

    Skillfully transfers past learning into new situations.

    Possesses broad knowledge in academic subjects, the arts and new literacies.

    Articulates thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.

    Communicates effectively using multiple languages and media to make meaningful connections.

    Applies knowledge in various settings in a practical and purposeful way.

    Understands that God gives talents that are required to be used, developed, and further multiplied.

  • Creativity that reflects the Creator.

    Understands the source of all creativity.

    Shows originality and ingenuity in their thinking and creating.

    Takes risks and knows how to develop, organize, and manage new initiatives and/or ventures.

    Engages in problem-solving, inquiry, creative and design processes to create value and meaning.

    Participates in interdependent thinking and collaborative processes in the effort of accomplishing a task.

  • Engages in care for self and others as daily practices to support physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being.

    Models a healthy, balanced lifestyle in light of Biblical principles.

    Utilizes Biblical principles as the foundation for decision-making.

    Seeks counsel from experienced and expert individuals.

    Demonstrates gratitude to God and others, finds humor and joy in life and revels in beauty, phenomena and wonderment of the world in spite of circumstances.

    Persists in the face of adversity and finds new solutions to problems.

    Considers cause and effect relationships to inform decisions.

    Possesses awareness of emotions and the emotions of others.

  • Engages in personal, civic, local, and global citizenship to help others thrive.

    Demonstrates cultural competence and sensitivity in a sustainable, interdependent world.

    Values and embraces diverse perspectives and cultures through open dialogue and mutual respect.

    Takes action in personal and collective behaviors that support stewardship of the universe and the lives of others.

    Demonstrates awareness, sensitivity, concern, and respect for others, in light of the Gospel message, in order to connect with others’ feelings, opinions, experiences, and culture.