Elementary Curriculum
Explore our K-5 Curriculum
The Kindergarten curriculum is designed to help students make a comfortable transition from home to school. Group and individual activities are used to aid in the development of social skills, independent work skills, and motor skills. Academic progress is at a pace that is developmentally appropriate for each student.
First grade is a time of tremendously exciting learning! Realizing that they can read and write down ideas for others to read open a new world to students. Many techniques are used to teach reading: phonics, sight words, picture clues, meaning in context, learning through singing and poems, art projects and technology. By using so many methods it is easy to see God’s love for us. Beginning math skills are also emphasized.
A combination of whole class, small group and individual reading experiences leads students to become independent readers. Science includes the study of our bodies, health and nutrition as well as geology and chemistry. Social studies students develop respect for human dignity and social responsibility through a multi-cultural approach to the study of neighborhoods and communities. The Bible lessons emphasize Gods power. Math includes addition and subtraction facts through twenty, and an introduction to multiplication. Manuscript writing is reviewed. An emphasis is placed on positive attitudes and problem-solving in social relationships.
Third grade students study God’s plan of redemption throughout the Bible from Lucifer’s jealousy to Jesus’ return. Reading instruction incorporates a variety of activities paired with literature to increase comprehension. The Social Studies curriculum focuses on communities and includes learning about Pilgrims, the American Frontier, immigration, government, and basic map skills. Science topics include nutrition, plants, space, weather, insects and animal communities. English and Spelling are used together to enhance phonics, grammar and writing skills. Math includes multiplication and division facts, fractions, measurements, and geometry.
Bible study focuses on God’s leading in the lives of his people here on earth. Students study United States in geography and learn the states and capitals. California history is studied. The reading program introduces students to a variety of literary styles and systematically increases their reading level, while English and Spelling reinforces phonics, writing and grammar skills. The Math curriculum emphasizes problem solving. Fourth grade students also receive instruction in keyboarding, physical education and music.
Language Arts involves the student in reading, literature, speaking, spelling, listening, writing, grammar, study skills and the use of reference materials. The Math curriculum reinforces basic skills and introduces Pre-Algebra. Social Studies include the study of US History from Native Americans to Western expansion. Bible lessons teach Fruit of the Spirit.
Families that home school their children are welcome to consider enrolling at San Gabriel Academy on a part-time basis. Please contact the principal to arrange a meeting with the teacher and principal. If the admissions committee determines that part-time attendance is beneficial to the student and will be compatible with the classroom environment, the student, parent, teacher and principal will sign a contract that details what is expected of all parties.