Ways to Make a Difference

  • The funds generated by this committee will help to secure assistance for worthy students and to continually enhance our educational program. By giving $100.00 each month ($1,200 per year), either by regular checks or through online giving, you automatically become a member of this special group. It is our hope that this committee will continue to grow into a foundational tradition. Members of the Committee of 100 will receive quarterly updates of how their money is being used and an invitation to an annual dinner to celebrate their commitment and San Gabriel Academy’s blessings and progress.

  • The HOPE Alumni Fund enables the Alumni Board, working with the Office of Advancement, to provide programs and services for our alumni.

  • The San Gabriel Academy HOPE Endowment Fund has been created for the purpose of ensuring a long-term future for those students who will follow in the footsteps of all SGA graduates. This fund is creating scholarships that will make Christian education available not only for some, but for all who wish to attend.

  • San Gabriel Academy’s HOPE Golf Classic has established this scholarship to assist students in Grades TK through 12 with scholarship money to help them realize their dreams of attending SGA.

  • This is a scholarship specifically for students of SGA Alumni who need financial assistance. Set up by a family whose SGA history dates back to first grade and is for the purpose of encouraging the children of Legacy Graduates to follow in the footsteps of their parents in order to leave their unique mark on the school family of San Gabriel Academy.

  • Calvin Knipschild was a loved faculty member who taught at SGA for 16 years and changed the direction of the music program. This scholarship was set up and will be funded on a continual basis by the family, by the alumni of San Gabriel Academy, and by those who support music legacy left by Knippy.

  • Louie Burgos is a dedicated supporter of San Gabriel Academy and a believer in helping as many young people as possible to pursue an Adventist education. This scholarship was created by supporters of this special man.

  • This fund has been created in memory of Marilynn Goulard who gave tirelessly of her time and energy to support the elementary music program of San Gabriel Academy. All five of the Marilynn’s children are SGA Alumni, as are two of her grandchildren.

  • Marv Smith ‘67 and his wife believe in Adventist education and established a scholarship that would not only help others but that would instill in them the desire to excel and give back to their communities and to others in need.

  • This fund, set up by the Villanueva Family, will help carry on the legacy of their son and brother, Michael Villanueva ’02, an extraordinary student and friend. His legacy exemplifies strength, integrity, wisdom, kindness, leadership, and what it looks like to be a child of God. This fund will be a testimony to the memory of Mikey.

  • The SGA Academic Departments are continually looking for ways in which to add new layers to the teaching curriculum. Your generosity will help provide additional equipment and resources to enhance students’ daily learning.


    Culinary Arts

    English Language Arts

    Fine Arts

    Foreign Languages




    Physical Education




  • New Academy lunch tables ($15,000 for 18 tables)

    New Projection equipment for the Gym ($10,000 for large screen, projector and speakers, and soundboard)

    New Study Park on the north side of the H-Complex ($20,000 for green scape, benches, and foliage)

    New Equipment for Room 55 Photo Studio ($10,000 for backdrops, additional lighting, and platforms)

    Renovation of the Front Entrance to the Administration Building ($20,000 for facelift)

  • Through the generosity of Gary Waldron ’67, a fund has been established to ensure that as many young people as possible will learn about Jesus Christ through education at San Gabriel Academy. This fund will make that dream possible. Alumni are encouraged to donate to this fund continually so that it becomes an expansive avenue of opportunity. 

To our Alumni and Friends –

We value all of you and continue to encourage you to find an active way to make a difference in the lives of young people. All of you have taken your unique talents and interests and turned them into gifts that have impacted others in ways that no one else could have done. Your stories include sacrifice, disappointment, resilience, and in the end, a spirit of gratitude. Behind your goals and dreams lies a deeply rooted desire to give back to San Gabriel Academy, to your own communities, and to the world in which you live.

The habit of giving is more important than the size of your gifts. There are students who are waiting to experience a Christ-centered education inside and outside of the classroom on a campus where all students are recognized as the family of San Gabriel Academy and the very special children of God.

These are some of the ways you can meet the needs of San Gabriel Academy and the young people they serve. If you are interested in giving, please send your check to the Office of Advancement at San Gabriel Academy, 8827 East Broadway, San Gabriel, CA 91776, or click the Donate button, and choose the item that best matches our interests.