Junior High Academics
Explore our Junior High
San Gabriel Academy Elementary Junior High conforms to the same rules and regulations found in the San Gabriel Academy handbook. However, no attempt has been made to include all aspects of San Gabriel Academy’s procedures. Situations arise from time to time that will be addressed on an individual basis.
SGAE Junior High has a wide variety of programs to offer, both in the classroom along with co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We encourage all of our students to take an active part in as many programs as are reasonable and that will help develop a well-rounded, balanced person.
In order to receive a diploma and participate in graduation, eighth grade students must earn a yearly average of at least 60% in all subjects.
Cords are traditionally given to deserving eighth graders to wear for graduation. Eligibility for scholastic cords begins with the seventh grade year and continues through the eighth grade. Grade point average is determined at the end of each semester. Semester grade points are not averaged for a year-end total; each semester must reach the minimum GPA for a cord.
Gold – 3.8 to 4.0 GPA
Silver – 3.5 to 3.79 GPA
Red – attended SGAE grades K or 1 - 8
Sixth and Seventh graders who earn less than an average of 60% in all classes will be placed on a strict Academic Probation if accepted back at San Gabriel Academy for seventh or eighth grade.
You will achieve your goals and enjoy success when you help to make each class a productive, rewarding experience as you remember to:
Bring correct and appropriate materials to class every day
Complete all assignments neatly and turn them in on time
Follow all directions the first time they are given
Listen without distracting others whenever anyone is addressing the class
Do your own and your best work every day